GCP update

Friday, April 8, 2022 4:22:28:000: PM

Hi cello friends,

Long time - no emails!  

Where do I start??

First - an update about my Mom!

I am very pleased to report that she is doing really well. I almost can’t believe she had such major surgery, such a short time ago! She is so determined too and the doctors are really pleased with the results of her operation as well as her continuing recovery.

This means that I am now home! 

I arrived home this week after what seems like months away! Maxine is so pleased to see me! It means that I now have all my editing gear at my disposal again. And of course it means I am back on course to complete our wonderful project! Here are two pictures of Maxine for y’all to admire - she’s definitely happy to have me home again!

As I am settling back in at home, I am finding I have some renewed energy for the project. All the files are in and have been cropped, and aligned, and I have made some good progress with the audio editing (its never done..there are always things to fix, especially with so many parts and such a long project). Keep reading to get yourself a Big Shot and find out where you are.  I am so impressed with the efforts you have gone to with using your greenscreens to such great effect!

Thank you to you all for checking your names and locations, and everyone who has sent in corrections, for the credits list - I will send another one of those shortly as a final check.


I know I said I would be doing live editing sessions streamed over facebook - I really did intend to - but while I was at my parents house, it just never seemed to be the right time! I still have a fair bit of the audio to do, and I would really enjoy your company over the chat to keep me going, so keep your eyes on your notifications for me going live.  It will happen at short notice, and i'm picking up some coffee ice cream for the late nights...

I have really missed you all over the last few weeks and so I am planning to do a zoom session on Saturday, sandwiched between two gigs here in Austin, at 1pm Central Summer time. I am thinking it will be a general catch up, Q and A if you’ve got questions, maybe some playing too - it will be really nice to reconnect with you all and see what everyone’s been up to.

Here’s a countdown timer: COUNTDOWN

And here’s a link for Zoom: ZOOM LINK


Here are two versions of the BIG SHOT for project #17! The first is the very end of the last note, and the second is one of the claps at the beginning. I have included small versions here, and you can follow these links for the high resolution versions - 

Have a look and see if you can find yourself!

BIG SHOTS - This is the folder which contains the two high resolution images.




Here’s a donut chart of the final part distribution for Project #17.

That’s all for now - hope you’re all managing to stay well and enjoying your cello activities!

Cello love from,


Tony Rogers

Austin TX

